School News
Upcoming Events
Report Cards
Your child's report card (Grades 1-6) or Communication of Learning (Kindergarten) will be available in the Parent Portal on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
McDonald’s Family Night
Once again, we will be hosting a McDonald's Family Night Fundraiser on Tuesday, February 18th at the March Road location! Please come out and enjoy dinner together with many families from our school community. It's a great chance to get to know others and meet some of your kids' friends as we raise money for our school. Twenty percent of all proceeds raised between 4pm-8pm on Tuesday, February 18th will go back to the school. Hope to see you there! McDonald's February 18, 2025.
Chip Sale
School Council will be selling chips again on Friday, February 21st & February 28th during the lunch hour. Thanks for supporting School Council as we work together to provide funding for items such as outdoor sleds, shovels, Field Trips, and pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. We appreciate your support!
Weekly Newsletters
School Messenger - Don't forget to "opt-in" to receive emails
Stay connected with your child’s school. Opt in with SchoolMessenger .
Our schools use the SchoolMessenger communication platform to send automated phone calls and emails to parents. We use this system for attendance and emergency messages, as well as for general messages including newsletters and school updates.
Opt in to receive emails
To receive all types of email messages, you must opt in. Otherwise, we will only send you emergency and attendance email messages. (Families with children in our school last year and who had previously provided Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation(CASL) consent will receive General messages.)
You can opt in by creating an account with SchoolMessenger and choosing your contact preferences for each type of message. To receive any emails sent by the school, your preference must be set to “yes” for General Messages. To receive any emails that may be sent by your child's teacher, your preference must be set to “yes” for Teacher-to-Parent Messaging.
Create your SchoolMessenger account
1. Go to to learn how to create your account.
2. Create your account using the email address you provided when you registered your child for school.
3. Choose your contact preferences for each type of message. Have questions? If you are having difficulty creating your parent account, please email the OCSB at